在公司国做一个运营活动,上线后PM总是抱怨访问速度过慢,影响运营效果。然而从前端的角度来说我已经做了如下优化: css、js合并压缩、图片压缩、雪碧图、静态资源全部上CDN。但是依然很慢,实在s是困惑,通过chrome的timeline分析,发现有些请求确实很慢,但是大部分时间消耗在stalled阶段。如下图:

Time the request spent waiting before it could be sent. This time is inclusive of any time spent in proxy negotiation.Additionally, this time will include when the browser is waiting for an already established connection to become available for re-use, obeying Chrome’s maximum six TCP connection per origin rule.

The sender waits for an ACK for the byte-range sent to the client and when not received, resends the packets, after a particular interval. After a certain number of retries, the host is considered to be “down” and the sender gives up and tears down the TCP connection.
TCP三次握手后,发送端发送数据后,一段时间内(不同的操作系统时间段不同)接收不到服务端ACK包,就会以 某一时间间隔(时间间隔一般为指数型增长)重新发送,从重传开始到接收端正确响应的时间就是stalled阶段。而重传超过一定的次数(windows系统是5次),发送端就认为本次TCP连接已经down掉了,需要重新建立连接。 对比以下,没有重传的http请求过程。如下图:
